This week, I was very excited to learn that we have a new replacement for the now-closed community compost site, ShareWaste! It's called PEELS.
ShareWaste was a precursor to Peels with a similar idea: connecting people locally to divert organic material from landfill. Sadly, ShareWaste shut down at the end of 2024.
Right now, is just trying to fill the gap that ShareWaste left - to connect folks with food scraps to those who compost. It’s a free, non-commercial, community project.
Currently only operating in Australia, Peels is a project led by Danny White, a product designer with 10 years experience working on products including Airbnb, ChatGPT, Kickstarter, and Facebook. He helped start the composting program at Pocket City Farms and previously built a traveller’s guide to reducing food waste.
According to Project Drawdown, the reduction of food waste in landfill is the third most effective way to address our carbon emissions. Therefore, resources like Peels is so important for helping us do our part for a healthier planet.
Not only did I use my compost for the food waste collected via my party kit hires, but being a member of ShareWaste when it was operational allowed my local community to also use my compost bin. I live in a part of Western Sydney where there is a dense population of unit complexes, which can make composting challenging. I loved being able to offer my compost bin to others in my local community so they could also keep their food waste out of landfill.
I'm looking forward to now becoming a member of the PEELS.APP community. Let me know if you're there too!
Happy composting :-)